Nothing against Lion Brand (seriously, nothing but hugs and kisses over here), but I figured there had to be a fun and relatively easy way to make this with an actual knit pattern. So, I found some old green and raspberry colored yarn and set to work.
Using size 7 dpn, I cast on 28 stitches and divided them onto 4 needles. I knit this in the round for what felt like forever. That's the only problem with this kind of pattern - it's easy, but the repetitive task of just knitting in a circle can get a little boring after awhile. Once I finished my fabulous green tube, it was about 9 1/2" around and 38 1/2" long. Obviously the wider you make it, the longer it will have to be (dirty, I know). At this point, my husband said it looked like a virus, and that the dpn around the end looked like teeth - scary! I stuffed it with poly-fil and used my leftover yarn to graft the bottom of the tube onto the end that was still on the needles. At this point it looked more like one of those donut pillows that you sit on, not the fabulous wreath I had envisioned - but it had potential!
I then used the raspberry colored yarn I had to make 12 scallop roses from Nicky Epstein's pattern in her book, Knitted Flowers. I sewed the roses on in various places along knitted circle, but it still didn't look right, it looked kind of droopy. I wound up having to open the circle back up to put in more poly-fil to fill it out; You really have to stuff it if you want it to hold it's shape.
Once I did that, it really started to look like a cute wreath of Christmas roses! On the back I made a chain of 3 stitches for about 12 rows and sewed into a little loop so that it will hang easily on a wall or door. Now I just have to figure out who I'm going to give it to...who wants a wreath?
soooo cute Brooke